Fundraising is a great way to get people involved in supporting a particular cause or event. Most often, the biggest challenge isn’t in getting people to donate towards the cause, but rather, it is in coming up with creative ways to raise the funds. We have all heard of the infamous candy bar or lollipop sales to fundraise for schools, sports, and other causes, but what about something a bit more off the wall? Here are three unique ways to create a fundraiser.
- The ‘No Hair’ Fundraiser. Find volunteers in kind donations for nonprofits in your fundraising campaign who would be willing to participate in shaving their heads if the specified amount of funds are raised within a certain amount of time. These volunteers could spice up the challenge by growing out their hair as long as possible before the deadline. Volunteers could also grow out their beards to make the event more dramatic on shaving day. An added bonus to this fundraiser would be allowing the highest donor the honor of shaving the heads of the volunteers.
- The ‘Pick Your Poison’ Fundraiser. Though not as image-altering as the ‘No Hair’ fundraiser, this creative method of raising funds involves more willing participants within your community. For this fundraiser, a list of unpleasant situations are compiled and given to all donors, letting them know that if the particular fundraising goals are met by the necessary date, a raffle will be drawn, and winners will have the chance to choose an unpleasant situation from the ‘Pick Your Poison’ list. Situations can be anything volunteers would deem reasonable, such as, a pie in the face, a dunking station, or egg juggling. Volunteers will compile the list, but donors will get to choose the unpleasant situation, which is a win-win for both parties.
- The ‘Gold Threads’ Fundraiser. For this, individuals raising funds can go door to door and pass out golden chocolate coins and spools of threads, encouraging potential donors to sell their old clothing and jewelry and donate the money towards the cause of the fundraiser. Information about the cause can be attached on small pieces of paper or stickers to the bottom of the coins and thread so potential donors don’t forget the reason behind the fundraiser. Often times, folks will leave such items laying around after a fundraising interaction, causing them to forget the cause and loose interest. A brief note or catchy poem will remind them when they see the items later.